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Invite Friends, Customs Data for Free
Tradesns Publish Time:2018-04-20 10:35:38 1424read

At present, we all know that network is the chance to success. TradeSNS years of plotting to build the“SNS & CBEC platform which based on large trade data" and using real-name system, building realist, honest,  and interacting social network for global traders to help global traders build, manage and expand their relationships, identify potential customers, get business opportunities and partners. We can also through large data for the global traders accurate matching partners, to help foreign traders find the target buyers.

  In order to give back to the old users for many years of support, and welcome new users to join, TradeSNS decided to publish the "Invite friends, customs data for free".

  Object: New and old users

  Time: 2018.4.21—2018.5.21


  Upload the photo and fill the file. The degree of file’s completion≥65%. Each 20 friends who you invite and they registered, and friends file completion ≥65%, we will get customs data of one country (78 countries optional).

  Note: 4 countries customs data freely is limited for each user.


  How to perfect files: Register, Login TradeSNS → Click in  home page. Filling the information in “File”. Click “My Center” come back. Check the completion of a file in . Please upload the real photo, fill in the real name, you will get more business opportunities!

  How to invite friend: Register, Login TradeSNS → Click  in home page. → According to the note, copy the invitation code (URL) to your friends, or send email to your friends online.

  How to get customs data: As long as you are required to complete the task, click , and click “apply”. After TradeSNS service auditing,  in home page will receive a prompt, click it and choose “country” to  get the customs data which you are interested in.

  Click to know TradeSNS:  

              Company Profile     Using Guide     Customs Data

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If you have any question please contact us.

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