FamousGreece member of FG Group International_Extra Virgin Olive oil,Olives,Wines,Pure Honey,Traditional Pasta_Online Business Directory Search_TradeSNS


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    • FamousGreece member of FG Group International Follow
    • Extra Virgin Olive oil,Olives,Wines,Pure Honey,Traditional Pasta
      93-95 str Ag Triados, ATHENS, Greece
      Totally has 1 empolyees in Tradesns
    • Giorgos·Patatimidis
      1. Company Manager
    • Telephone:30-210-3300692
    • Fax:30-210-3300693
    • Website:http://Famousgreece.com
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    About Us

    Greece has always been famous for its top quality agricultural products and its healthy diet; which provide in return longevity and prosperity.

    In FamousGreece we are proud to introduce you to the safest and simplest way to enjoy top quality Greek food products in incredible prices!

    We love quality: Our products satisfy high taste demands and qualify high standards in really limited quantities; this is the reason why our products are so Famous.

    We certify quality: We use internationally recognized and trusted safety certification programs as ISO, HACCP, and DIO for organic products.

    Our mission: It is our firm belief that everyone should be able to access top quality food products in reasonable prices.

    Currently available:

    Wines / Honeys / Olive oils / Olives / Pasta olives / Vinegars / Raisins / Rusks / Cookies /Jams and more products.

    We deeply hope that you, your beloved family and your friends will enjoy the most Famous Greek Products.

    Every product owns all the necessary ISO & HACCP certificates.

    While all the biological cultivated products also owns the DIO Certificate



    National competition of Thessaloniki in Greece 2011 GOLD medal

    National competition of Thessaloniki in Greece 2007 GOLD medal

    National competition of Thessaloniki in Greece 2003Silver medal

    Challenge International du Vin 2005 - Copper medal

    Gewinner Der Verkostung Prowein 2002 Two Stars *

    Gewinner Der Verkostung Prowein 2005 Three Stars

    International Wine Challenge 2005 Seal Of Aprova


    National competition of Thessaloniki in Greece 2001 Copper medal


    National competition of Thessaloniki in Greece 2005 Silver medal

    Savatiano FUME 6 months

    Challenge International du Vin 2011 Silver medal

    International Wine Challenge 2011 Silver medaL

    International Wine and Spirit Competition 2011 Silver medal

    Decanter 2011 Copper medal

    Challenge International du Vin 2010 Silver medal

    Challenge International du Vin, 2003 France GOLD medal

    Challenge International du Vin, 2001 France -Copper medal

    Gewinner der Vergostung Prowein 2005 Three Stars***

    Company Detailed Information
    • Year of Registration:
    • Scale of Company:
      11 - 50 People
    • Annual Turnover:
      Less than 1 million dollars
    • Export Percentage:
      91% - 100%
    • Export Model:
      No Provide
    • ISO certification:
      No Provide
    • Nature of Business:
    • Main Products:
      Extra Virgin Olive oil,Olives,Wines,Pure Honey,Traditional Pasta
    • Export Markets:
      North America:7.69%|South America:7.69%|Eastern Europe:7.69%
    Company Certificate
    Company Image Display