Fine Motors Co., Ltd. established in 2002 to the company which produce special equipment vehicle specially, We grew into remodeling for Hyundai Motors' dump truck.
Not satisfied with the present focusing company capacity through continuous quality increase and technical improvements, accomplishes business extension and persistent inside innovation of Refueler for Ground Support Equipments, Environment Equipments, Police & Army Equipments, fire fight Equipments manufacture and is doing their best in QI as well as price competitiveness high position for secure ability that can cope spontaneously in global business environment change.
Forward, we are faithful on basis and will spearhead in change and reform continuously.
We practice more ethical and transparent management, and will advance more the best technique and competent person positivity to the competitive and good company which create all organizations by target and value that is new by capacity.
All of the Fine Motors employee have been trusted to encouraging stakeholders, and grows into the global best company which finish social responsibility furthermore and asks more encouragements and cooperation so that can develop.