Entering TradeSNS: booyun.com, registration is successful, you can enjoy customs dataquery free!
I. Customs Data search entrance is the top ofthe search box, select import andexport data, enter product information, thefollowing to search for HS 940540 examples. (Note: search terms can be English names, or the top six HScodes).
The searchresults page is by default the data of all 78 countries in 2017.
Our names ofpurchasers in all countries are open, and ordinary customers can view theexperience. (Note: the advanced filtering conditions on the left side can notbe used by ordinary customers. After upgrading members, we can make furtherscreening, such as country selection, etc.).
Two: at thistime we can see the name and basic situation of the global buyer you searchfor, and directly click the name of the company to enter the buyer's inspectionreport page, that is, the detailed analysis page of the company.
II. The Buyerinspection report contains: The market volumePrice Analysis chart, the tradingpartner tree and its transaction statistics,the country of origin statisticschart, the port of departure statistics chart,the port of destinationstatistics chart and the product transaction details,and so on, also providedthe company address, the contact method, the companyemployee's position andthe email, as well as the company information such ascontacts, socialaccounts, employee, network footprint, etc.
After paying attention to the company'sreport, not only you cansee the annual statistical reports, but we also updatethe company's latesttransactions to the report in a timely manner. Through thebuyer's inspectionreport, we can analysis it deeply from the data , and seewhether match with ourbusiness, and then contact it directly!
i. Information Summary: is the aggregateinformation of the purchaser of this year'spurchasing products.
Such as “the number of transactions” =Productionscale, supply capacity, total supply, operating conditions, marketshare, totalpurchase, market monitoring, marketing forecasts, market analysis,
"Quantity" can be used to analyze the production scale of peers,supplycapacity, total supply, operating conditions, market share, totalprocurement.The market monitoring, and the necessary forecasts, and thenanalysis of marketconditions, can also analyze the purchasing power of buyers,procurementstatus.
ii. Market Analysis Chart: refers to the buyers in the searchtime period,it is the 17 annual price chart, but also thechoice of portfolioanalysis to understand the whole of his procurement method,frequency and fluctuations.
iii. Map of Origin: In the position can be clearlyseen in the 2017 annualpurchase of LED LIGHT transactions, themain origin is China, and made in China.The country of Origin statistics chartcan help you to master the total numberof exports of all countries of origin,the quantity, the supply of goods.Analysis of the percentage of export marketsoccupied by all countries oforigin. Understanding the world's largest exportsof origin to the smallestsource of origin, analysis of products in the globalcompetitive or changesituation.
iv. The portof departure and destination statistics map alsoshow clearly theinformation of the RAB LIGHTING purchasers in the 2017transaction. Then theport of departure is the loading port = Forecast Theorigin of goods, productquality, specific materials, the distribution ofcompetitors.
Generally speaking, through the"Loading port",enterprises can predict the origin of the goods,determine the quality ofproducts and specific materials, and master thedistribution of competitors.
v. Port of destination = port of discharge = forecastfinal consumption area,buyer distribution and customs Through the port ofdischarge. The enterprise canunderstand the final consumption area of thegoods. At the same time through thestatistics can grasp the product indifferent areas of demand, combined withprice conditions, to find the largestdemand, the most profitable areas as thetarget market.
vi. TradingPartner: clearly monitor which youareinterested in cooperating with, and also see which companies suppliersaresupplying. Cooperation situation, at a glance real-time monitoring!
The chart’shighlight is through the network, we can clearly seethat partner of RAB LIGHTING is the correspondingsupplier of a total of 6(note: The company name is not exactly the same as thedivided into differentcompanies), and folder icon can be clicked Open, thethird column is thecorresponding supplier of partners, That is, RAB LIGHTING suppliers.In additionto RAB LIGHTING supply, but also with other peer enterprises havetrade.
vii. Peer companies: is the buyer of the peer enterprise, that is, yourpotentialcustomers. In addition to the introduction of the number of tradingpartnerscan be analyzed, focus on monitoring the trading relationshipbetweenenterprises, the system directly concerned about the strength of thepeercompanies show up, easy to analyze.
viii. Transaction details: Thebottom of thepage will pay attention to the buyer of the year in each of thetransactiondetails list, click on the small eye to view the details of theticket data,then in this location can be clearly seen the details of theoriginal data!
The following figure is the most detailedone-vote transactioninformation for US data, in which our company uses Bing orYahoo search enginesto make it easier for customers to use search engines todirectly search formore information about their buyers online. Also has thetranslation software,clicks the red "translates", online translationdirectly.
The above is to look at the data level of a buyer detailedanalysis instructions, throughthis information we can analyze the U.S. buyer tounderstand its strength, sizeand procurement frequency, procurement volume, tostudy whether it matches oursupply capacity, whether it can be developed as akey customer, if the match. Thenwe can add this intent purchaser to the"attention" collection andmanage it in a personal center. In additionthis page we also provide theenterprise background survey for customersin-depth understanding of theanalysis.
ix. Companybackground survey: Through the Internet large dataresource integration, wewill in-depth analysis of key enterprises, includingthe company'sestablishment time, number of employees, enterprise size, officialweb site,corporate profile, social accounts, the mainstreambusiness-to-businessplatform, foreign exhibitions and contacts and otherinformation ( Note: Thisfeature is available only for enterprise members)
x. Then throughthe above content, confirm the customersituation, we can contact the customerto develop. We provide two ways ofcontacting:
(i) Contact module: Senior technical team,through themajor search engines, use network footprint to find, miningenterpriseinformation, and it will show about the company can get all theemail and thecorresponding source link information. Access for customerseasily, contact themonline directly. (this contact is available in advanced version, experiencecustomer can not see).
(ii) AccurateContact: the right side of the page, we can seeabout this buyer's companystaff information, including photo, name, job and soon. This contactinformation sources LinkedIn, Dengbei and other cooperationreports, they aretrue and reliable, even direct access to the company'sexecutive information.Enterprise version users click the name of the directjump mail to send thepage. (Note: This feature is available only forenterprise-edition members)
The above dataordinary members can open 10 buyer information, free of charge for the use ofdata experience, but the contact information is needed to be upgraded to paymembers to see. such as youhave anyquestions, you can online consulting customer service, or call usdirectly.