1. NEW Delhi (New Delhi) is the capital of India, the national political and cultural Center, and the Indian Railway and air traffic centre. New Delhi is located in the Ganges River tributary Yamuna R., composed of two parts, Lodri, an area of 1483 square kilometers, the population of more than 11 million. Delhi has a history of nearly 3,000 years. At the end of 12th century, the foreign Muslims who conquered India began to Derry. In the 17th century century, the position of the Mughal emperor, Shaji, was moved to the capital, and Delhi became increasingly prominent. In the middle of the 19th century, British imperialism occupied India and moved the capital to Calcutta. Delhi became one of the centers of the uprising in 1857, when a national uprising against foreign domination broke out in India. Delhi became the capital of India again in 1911. The city was then built in southwestern Derry, New Delhi.
New Delhi in 1947 after India's independence. New Delhi is the seat of the Indian federal government and parliament. New Delhi has grown rapidly since independence. Not only the traditional small industry and cottage industries have a greater development, but also built a number of large-scale modern industries, such as textiles, chemicals, machinery, electrical and electronic industry. According to urban planning, industrial areas are in the suburbs. New Delhi is also a cultural and educational center, where there are many famous museums, memorials, institutions of higher learning and research institutes, and the renowned University of Jawaharlal Nehru is situated on the outskirts of the city. New Delhi is also the National Tourist Center, many places of interest, including the famous: Mahatma Gandhi tomb, India Gate, Fort, Gutebergauta and so on.
2. Mumbai (Mumbai, formerly known as Bombay) Mumbai is India's largest city, the national industrial and Commercial, financial center, Western Railways, aviation hub, an area of 603 square kilometers, the population of 17 million.
Located in western India, on the verge of Arabian Sea, is a natural harbor, known as India's "western Gateway", is also a major Indian navy base and Maharashtra capital. The term "Bombay" is said to originate from the local fishermen's goddess of protection "Mumbadevi" or "Mumbai", a word from Portuguese "Bombahia" (meaning "good port"). In early 16th century, Gugyrath-Soudin ceded the place to Portuguese colonialists. It was also given to Britain in 1911 as a dowry for the Portuguese princess.
Mumbai was originally 7 islands, the British took over the Daxing project, making it into a peninsula, and built castles and port. The famous "Indian Gate" (Gate of INDIA) was built to commemorate the landing of King George V's 1911 visit to India.
This can be a boat to the Bay of Koh Chang, where there is the 7th century era of grotto temples, the Hindu three gods, one of the "destruction of God" shiva. Mumbai is also one of the center of the film production industry, known as the "Film City" location base.
3. Calcutta (KOLKATA), the capital of West Bengal, India's second largest city, an area of 568.8 square kilometers, a population of more than 14 million, located in the lower reaches of the Ganges River Hooghly, from Bengal, B. Of 138 km.
Gacheng is the largest port and rail and aviation hub in eastern India and occupies an important position in India's business, finance and culture. Add city is known as the world's largest jute processing center, textile, food, machinery manufacturing and railway locomotives are very developed. Gacheng or Bengali cultural Center, the famous Indian poet Tagore's former residence is in the city. The City of Canada has the largest population of Chinese diaspora "Tower Dam Community", they are mainly engaged in leather, catering, beauty, denture and other industries.
4. Chennai (Chennai), formerly known as Madras (Madras), is the fourth largest city in India, the capital of Tamil Nadu du Pont. Area of 118 square kilometers, the population is close to 7 million.
It is east of Bengal, B. Of, India's largest artificial port, sea, air, rail and road traffic is very convenient, known as the south of India's gateway. Chennai used to be one of India's textile centers. India's independence, construction, machinery, automobiles, oil refining, atomic energy and other industries gradually developed.
When Premier Zhou Enlai visited India in 1956, he visited the railroad car factory here. Chennai is the tourist center of South India. Marina Beach is known as the world's second longest beach. Mahabalipuram (Mahabalipuram), 59 kilometres south of Chennai, is known as the "Seven Temples," and is famous for its rocky temples. It was the main seaport and naval base of the southern Indian Panava (Panava) Dynasty 1200 years ago. Konchipuram (Kanchipuram), 92 km southwest of Chennai, is the ancient capital of the Panava dynasty, one of the oldest cities in India. The city is known as "Thousand Temple Jincheng", there are still more than 120 temples, is the southern Indian Hindu Holy Land, worship "destroy God" shiva and "Protect God" vishnu. Chennai is also the Tamil language Film Center.
5. Hyderabad (Hyderabad) is the capital of Andhra Pradesh, an area of 298.5 square kilometres and a population of more than 4 million, the fifth largest city in India. Located in Deccan Plat., is located in the north-south traffic hub, is the Indo-Islamic and Hindu cultural intersection. It was built in 1591, when Tubon Coury the capital. One of the departments of the National defense industry and the Air Force flight training base, India-Russia and the construction of the MiG aircraft electronic equipment factory, the manufacture of anti-tank missiles, Bharat Power Limited, heavy electrical plant and nuclear fuel plant located in the city. The 1990s, the city actively promote the development of software industry, the rapid development of information industry, has become one of India's information industry center. The city consists of two sister cities, Hyderabad and Kandara Bud (Secunderabad).
The city is beautiful and the ancient architecture combines Indian, Persian and Arabian architectural styles. Kashgar supplier H (Golconda Fort), who ruled Hyderabad in 1518-1687, lived in the city of the Library of the Kingdom of Tulsa. The city has 8 gates, the surrounding granite wall length of 30-kilometer. The walls of the city were part of the building and are now dwellings. The castle towering over the Rocky Mountains is very strong and famous.
6. Bangalore (BANGALORE), located in southern India, is the sixth largest city in India, with a population of 5.2 million. The city was founded in 16th century. Now the city is divided into new, old two parts, Xincheng for industrial area, the old city for the business district. City planning neat, many urban parks, elegant scenery, there is a "garden city," said. Antique Mysore Palace form of the State Government office building is the city's main building, on the dome and Bell-shaped pavilion pavilion, elegant style, unconventional. The Larbach Botanical Garden, which was built in 18th century, covers a number of hectares, a century old tree, Lotus Pond Lake, and Qi Lin ou in a garden, which is the ideal place for daily rest of the citizens. There is a statue of the ancient Earth King in the park, and the King of Tu is a fair and traitor.
The local residents specially built the park in memory of the benevolent man. Bangalore is a new scientific city, the High-tech and information industry has developed rapidly, such as the "Technology capital", "South Asia Silicon Valley" and "India's information technology industry mecca" and so on laudatory name. 1940 years later, modern companies such as Hindustan Airways, Indian Electronics, India's telephone industry and India's machine tool companies are building. In the late 80 and 90, the Government of India actively introduced foreign capital, giving priority to the development of High-tech Industries, where the software Technology park was built, attracting many enterprises at home and abroad. Many of the world's leading High-tech companies, such as international commercial machinery Company, Hewlett-Packard, Siemens, Microsoft and so on here have a representative office. India's top scientific institutions and institutions of higher learning, such as the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore University, University of Agricultural Sciences, the Raman Institute, the National Aerospace Research Laboratory and the National Institute of Dynamics, have gathered here. Bangalore has become the well-deserved "Silicon Valley of India".