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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > International Business Cooperation - Does The Olympics Help the Process?
    International Business Cooperation - Does The Olympics Help the Process?
    Browse volume:270 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-11-08 14:10:25

    No one can deny that the Olympic Games bring nations together, and help humans understand that we aren't all that different, and that we all very much care about doing our best, our country, and competition. Recently, some scholars have gotten together and noted that the Olympic Games have not stopped humans from having wars, and while that may be true, we don't know for sure how many wars have been prevented due to the mutual benefit and coming together of humans across the planet in these Olympic Games over the years.

    Now then, let me ask you a question; "do the Olympic Games also help international business cooperation, free and fair trade, and working together to help economic development and our global economy?" I believe the answer is yes, and I have noted in discussing with my international business acquaintances about the Olympic Games, and I have congratulated them on one of their athletes or teams in winning a gold medal or competing quite handedly in Olympic competition. Indeed, I have also noted the topic being brought up by them to me.

    If anything else, this becomes an icebreaker, a celebration of humanity and human competition across the planet. We are much better off if we can compete in sports competition rather than in wars. Perhaps this is what the International Olympic Committee had considered around the turn of the 1900s. In hindsight, and we can mathematically point to these issues, there have been more wars, not fewer, and more people killed in wars as well. Of course we can't blame this on the Olympic Games, nor should we pretend that the Olympics could stop all human conflict.

    Nevertheless, it has helped in so many other ways such as; international trade and negotiations, and in international business. More deals are made across borders when we are better able to understand the person on the other side of the phone or across an ocean. Therefore, it would be very hard to debate that the Olympics haven't been good for international business and trade, the evidence is indeed clearly there, and I can attest to that from direct experience and observation, as can a number of other business owners, and corporate multinational conglomerate executives.

    I would say that is a good thing, and it's just too bad that the Olympics only come around every four years. Perhaps it would be nice if they could come twice as often, which is another concept altogether. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it, let's unite the world.

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