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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > Import and Export Business From the USA
    Import and Export Business From the USA
    Browse volume:207 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-11-14 15:16:25

    Import and Export businesses are also popularly known as International Trade or International Business. USA companies are doing business of over 3 trillion dollars a year in Merchandise sector only, so, we can imagine how much dollars of business in all sectors are doing, out of which 95% is controlled by small businesses. There are many forms of international Trade like -

    ? Export and import of goods and services.
    ? Export Management Company (EMC)
    ? Broker.

    According to US census Bureau of import export USA is like- "The import statistics consist of goods valued at more than $2,000 per commodity shipped by individuals and organizations (including importers and customs brokers) into the U.S. from other countries. And the export statistics consist of goods valued at more than $2,500 per commodity shipped by individuals and organizations (including exporters, freight forwarders, and carriers) from the U.S. to other countries."

    The above statistics of USA import data and the subsequent export data itself divulges the prospect for the importers in USA. Importers must remember some basic requirements of USA-

    ? Custom clearance, it includes- entry, inspection, appraisement, classification and liquidation.
    ? The importer must declare the dutiable value of merchandise.
    ? The Classification number must dogged by the importer of the merchandise being imported. The HTSUS (Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States) issued by the US International Trade Commission, set downs the categorization of commodities by the type of products like- vegetable and animal products, and textile products and textile fibers.

    There are lots of other things need to know before starting import business from USA, many technicalities, detailed requirements etc until and unless we don't know the pros and cons of USA business, we may not get the desired result. There are many online directories available offering the complete information of import export USA, USA import data and of course the current trends of importers in USA. We must study before starting the business because it is the duty and responsibility of importers to make sure that his goods being imported meet the permissibility requirements of USA.

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    Reply:0 | Release time:2024-10-04 18:33:07