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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > 10 Key Ways to Succeed in Exporting
    10 Key Ways to Succeed in Exporting
    Browse volume:133 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-10-16 11:14:09

    LIKE MOST THINGS WORTH DOING, EXPORTING can be challenging, exciting and rewarding all at once. Here are 10 ways to get off to a great start.

    1. Plan to export your products to local areas of the countries to which you want to send them. Contact an Industrial Officer or Import Agent through each country's Embassy or Consulate.

    2. Ask the agent about firms needing your products. You'll get the products from businesses in the U.S. or other country of your residence.

    3. Get the key data on the quantity, delivery date and specifications wanted by the overseas importer. They'll be happy to give you the information.

    4. Work with the country's local agent on packaging and shipping.

    5. Arrange to be paid through the Embassy or Consulate if possible.

    HOW ELSE CAN YOU SUCCEED in getting started in exporting? Take these steps to start making your fortune today.

    6. Choose types of products you'd like to work with, which interest you, and which you feel comfortable with. Contact suppliers-usually wholesalers and manufacturers. You might be surprised when you find how many manufacturers and wholesale sellers want to export their products, but haven't yet gotten started.

    7. To find good suppliers, check sources like the Thomas Register of American Manufacturers, at most libraries. Search the Internet. Ask a friend for help if needed.

    8. Choose a few countries to which you might like to export. Remember that people in most countries have some knowledge of English.

    9. Ask the agent or officer if they need the products you wish to export. If they know of companies or government agencies that seek your products, get their preferred delivery date and specifications for your products. Send these to your supplier and ask for a price quote. If the agent says his country does not need your items, ask what items ARE needed.

    10. Finally, add your 10% commission to your price quote, contact the overseas agent and make the sale. Have the agent arrange to fulfill most of the shipping requirements. Now collect your commission.

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