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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > Starting a Small Business is Like Exercising
    Starting a Small Business is Like Exercising
    Browse volume:167 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-10-23 16:42:43

    I always get asked how does one start a home based business or small business. How does one ensure that the initial enthusiasm doesn't wear off and see the whole business plan through without giving up halfway? Well, to tell you the truth, I don't really know. I am not a motivational speaker, business expert and I don't own a large chain of International businesses either. But what I do have is my own little 'jig' that keeps me and my family comfy and happy. I've asked a lot of people the same question too...how does one start and see a business through and I've learnt that...I should EXERCISE. You're thinking to yourself right now... "What does EXERCISE have anything to do with doing business", right? I'll explain.

    If I've never lost a single pound in the time that I have been attending gym, I never come out empty-handed. Exercise and physical exertion of all kinds is similar to starting a business and seeing it through. We all go through the same kind of process which can be divided into 5 stages.

    And here's a humorous look at the similarities between exercise and starting a small business.

    STAGE ONE: The fireworks stage

    Gym: Oh, I'm SO going to burn 500 calories on the machine today! I can't wait to do it. Let's break some sweat!

    This is called the fireworks stage because there's always a lot of fanfare here. Lots of champagne bottles being popped because we've finally found an astounding idea that we think will work out. We've finally invented something akin to the wheel! Now we can't wait to get started! We'll start churning everything out...erm...after we finish the 12 bottles of wine, of course! Hey, this is celebration time, isn't it?


    STAGE TWO: The getting down and gearing up stage

    Gym: You're on the machine now and raring to go burn that 500 calories! This is so fun, fun, fun!

    With a nagging hangover, we're now seated together at a round table writing down the plan. Oh sure, we've got some issues that we should deal with but oh, it can wait till the problem pops up. And besides, it's not such a big deal. We'll work it out. Now, come on, come on, come on...let's get the engine started. I can't wait to tell the rest of the world about it.

    We don't have to have everything before we start, do we? Aw shucks!


    STAGE THREE: The 'erm' stage

    Gym: Ooh....do I have the settings right? Man, this is so tough. Who would've thought that exercise was this difficult, huh? Where's the 'cheat' button...well, you know...just in case I am going to pass out or something.

    So, the car's in gear and we're driving down the road of success....erm, maybe not because a couple of problems just popped up. It's really such a hassle with these tiny bits of lose screws here and there. Someone please get it fixed. Oh, what...you think that someone is me, huh? What about you? Why should it be me? Hey, I thought we were in this together?

    So, a coupe of problems cropped up and we start arguing among ourselves or WITH ourselves over minor problems. We start feeling that....erm, maybe we should have just hung on to our day jobs and this wasn't such a smashing idea after all, huh?

    But overall, we're still OK. We're fine. We're making SOME money. More money's coming! Come on, come on, come on! We'll get there....sooner or later.


    STAGE FOUR: The are-we-there-yet stage

    Gym: What was I THINKING? What was I thinking?? Am I looney or what? It's the lasagna I had for lunch, I tell ya! I don't have to do this if I don't have to, right? This is not like...for world peace or anything, right? No one's going to know I didn't finish this thing, right? Urgh! Why is this machine so difficult?

    Of all the stages of exercising and starting a business, this is the most difficult one. Things are snailing along and everything is a problem and nothing is the solution. We're not even making enough money to break even and it's been like....A HUNDRED YEARS AGO this business was started! Oh geez, someone please give up so that I can give up too. I don't want to be the one to be the loser, ok? My bank's drying up and my banker's calling me every other two minutes now! I can't take this anymore! Is there an end to this torture? Oh no, another problem? Here...take the phone and tell the guy on the other line that I'm dead.

    Oh alright, I'll take the phone. "Hello? I'm dead you know." Slam!


    (This is the crucial stage because now, you have two options, there are more but I'll just narrow it down to two. One, call it quits, throw in the towel, give up! Two, go on torturing yourself because you believe that it will all work out....IF YOU CAN GET YOUR BRAIN TO WORK PROPERLY)


    STAGE FIVE: The I-see-the-finish-line stage

    Gym: Ok, I've come this far. I made it here. Wouldn't it be..like...a complete waste of time if I just gave up now? I've already burned 350 calories and there's only about 150 calories to go. Something wrong with the counter or anything? Why is so slow? 150 is a lot, you know! But I can't give up now....oh, come on!!!!

    Well, if you persist, you will be at this stage whereby the business is starting to make some money now...well, enough money to pay for most of the overheads and also the investors some money. Oh, sure, it's only about $2 this month but that's OK...that's still salary. But we're going to make it...hey, is that the finish line I see? Yipeee!!! We're going to make it, we're going to make it, make it, make it, make it, it, it it, it...urgh, we're going to make it!!

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