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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > SEO Brings Advantages to Chinese Foreign Trade Companies
    SEO Brings Advantages to Chinese Foreign Trade Companies
    Browse volume:193 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-09-04 15:45:24

    First of all, I want to give a brief introduction of SEO. SEO is the abbreviation of search engine optimization and it means making someone's website appear at the top of search engines by using certain skills when others use these search engines to find something. SEO began to appear in China in 2003. However, after seven years of development, the application of this new technology has brought many benefits to Chinese foreign trade companies.

    Several years ago, when SEO services were not familiar to most Chinese companies, many medium and small foreign trade companies did businesses traditionally with some fixed customers. Because of the limited marketing channels, a lot of companies went bankrupt when the financial crisis came.

    However, it was due to the financial crisis that those bankrupted companies summed up experience and SEO techniques came into use for the first time. From that moment on, foreign trade companies began their era of network marketing.

    SEO makes the enterprises control prices and costs better
    Before the application of SEO, many foreign trade enterprises did not have the ability to export their goods on their own, so they entrusted some foreign trade agencies. As thus, the cost was much higher. But after they used SEO, they could sell their products directly through Internet. The adoption of SEO made them reduce costs and control prices better.

    SEO makes the enterprises expand their sales channels
    Foreign trade companies could find many customers and attract potential customers through the Internet. They are now having a variety of sales channels.

    Nowadays, SEO is accepted by the majority of companies in China and most of them have their own SEO teams and experts. I think in the near future, SEO will bring more and more advantages to Chinese enterprises.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5363274

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