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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > English As a Business Language
    English As a Business Language
    Browse volume:199 | Reply:0 | Release time:2018-10-10 14:06:21

    Globalization is a comprehensive process, a worldwide surge in the interactions linking all human activities with one another. Among other things, startling advances of technology is resulting into flooding of information and advancement in the business communication. In this regard, with the penetration of science into all activities and increasing scientific and technological inventions, English has become an operational language.

    Business requires interactions between two or more parties. In other words, business requires transactions which in turn requires communication among the parties involved. So, easy transactions, interactions and communications among the parties require a language to be used commonly and English as an international language is best suited for this purpose.

    The 21st century is called to be the century of globalization and free market economy. Countries are more close to each other and the relationship among them mainly depends on their economic affairs. Thus, diplomacy today is economic diplomacy where English is considered to be crucial for successful dealings among consults, representatives and others.

    Business in present world is not confined to individual countries rather it is more expanded and not limited by state boundary. People from different linguistic groups may be involved with a particular business. Particularly, the multinational companies operate their business all over the world. So, for management and administration of a multinational company, there should have a common media of communication and English is used as a common language in the operation of multinational companies.

    English is also essential for inter-farm correspondence. Because, the farms operated in the international market may be of different languages and nations. But no firm can employ several languages to correspond with others. So, for uniformity of correspondence, they employ a common language and English as an international language is best suited with this purpose.

    The information civilization holds out no hope of employment to the functionally illiterate. It is not only those unable to read or write who are functionally illiterate. This person is one who is unable to make proper use of the new information technology in a global framework. Thus, a large section of the population has been excluded from mainstream world employment. This form of exclusion can be countered only by training people to speak English. If one knows how to speak English, he can easily move throughout the world and get job anywhere.

    Marketing is the important task for successful running of a business. Today, the world market has become so open that products are not confined to a particular section rather multinational companies try to popularize their products throughout the world. Thus the name of the brand and slogans for advertisement must be tenable and understandable by the people from different languages and nations. From this consideration, almost all the companies select their brands name from English language or translate the brand name of different languages into English.

    Several economic blocks, groups etc are operative in the international economics and finance. Representatives from member countries including government ministers, secretaries, industrialists etc gather to consult and discuss bilateral and multilateral economic issues. Here, the representatives must present their speech in English. So, for efficient communication, bargaining and representation in the business field English is must.

    In fine, it can be said that English is most important for efficient management, administration and implementation of business policies. For this, both national and international business farms undertake special policies and programs for making their personnel efficient in English.

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    Reply:0 | Release time:2024-10-04 18:33:07