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    Tradesns Foreign Trade Community
    Current page location: Home Page > Article > The Internet in China Export/Import Business
    The Internet in China Export/Import Business
    Browse volume:208 | Reply:0 | Release time:2019-03-11 14:50:30

    One can say that the greatest trend today in business is online trade; it really changed the way business should be done. Because of the internet, many things become simpler, so many people opted to go for online trading where they are able to sell their items quickly to many people and get their money faster through online banking compared to the brick and wall store where you have to find a location where the ones who get a lot of traffic comes expensive.

    Online trading helps people save a lot of money in doing business as well as time. Communication comes very fast and through online trade, you can inform your suppliers as well as your customers about the status of your business or any information that you want to relay to them in a nick of time. Internet has helped a lot of people make profitable business through online trading.

    If there are pros, there are also cons in online trading, or the internet for that matter. There are many data in the internet that anyone can have access to and these data can fall into the wrong hands, and there are also many occurrences of identity theft, hacking and others. There are people who wanted money fast and they do that in a wrong way. There incidents where some people pretend to be high executives of Chinese supplier companies where they are able to con innocent people. There are many fly-by-night operators that will prey on you online.

    The Chinese government has come up with an internet patrol to keep track on IP addresses, and since there are many young Chinese who gets involve in these frauds, the China government launched their internet censorship. This censorship stops these frauds, and the Chinese law makes employers to take extra measures to do a background check on the exporters they are dealing with.

    And same goes for those who want to do business in China. There are many websites today where you can access a list of suppliers that are confirmed to be authentic companies in China. There are also websites that are launched by the international trade where you can submit complaints, share experiences and problems with a particular supplier.

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    Reply:0 | Release time:2024-10-04 18:33:07