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    Current page location: Home > Answers > Is an International Business & Marketing major better than an Accounting major?
    Shelly King
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    Is an International Business & Marketing major better than an Accounting major?

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    • Time:2018-11-02 09:39:14
    Is an International Business & Marketing major better than an Accounting major?
    Krise Wu
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    Accounting is a very specific discipline and if you don’t think you like accounting, you will probably be miserable working in accounting. Not that accounting is bad, in fact it is a great and very stable career where you can earn a very steady living.

    Now having said that, I will also say that I think a degree in International Business is essentially worthless. International Business is such an insanely broad category, I seriously question how much useful information you can learn about “international business” in college. Just go work somewhere that conducts business internationally and you will have learned more in four years than any college can teach you about the topic.

    In today’s environment, you should no longer go to college just to get some broad, general degree. If you are going to college to graduate with a marketable technical skill, then great. If you are going to college to get a generalist college degree, you will graduate with a resume that qualifies you for any job in the retail or food service industry and $100K of debt.

    #1Floor 2018-11-02 17:16:18 Reply(0)
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