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    AT provided Rail Clips, Rail Fasteners for Kunming Metro
    Browse volume:302 | Reply:0 | Release time:2021-09-27 09:45:29

    Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Province and the central city of the central Yunnan urban agglomeration, China. Kunming enjoys the reputation of "Spring City" due to its location in the low-latitude plateau.
    Kunming Rail Transit is an urban rail transit system serving Kunming City and its surrounding areas in Yunnan Province.
    Till September 2020, Kunming Metro has opened 5 operating lines, namely Kunming Metro Line 1, Kunming Metro Line 2, Kunming Metro Line 3, Kunming Metro Line 4, and Kunming Metro Line 6.
    Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd(AT) provided DTVI2 track elastic clips, DJK5-1 track elastic clips for Kunming Metro Line 1.
    Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd(AT) provided III-type elastic clips, B-type track elastic clips, A-type track elastic clips for Kunming Metro Line 3.
    Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd(AT) provided III-type separate elastic clips, I-type separate elastic clips for P60 steel rails, I-type separate elastic clips for P50 rails, I-type non-separate eclips for P60 steel rails,  I-type non-separate eclips for P50 steel rails etc railway construction parts for Kunming Metro Line 4.

    Anyang Railway Equipment Co., Ltd(AT) provided e-clip for III-type separate fastening systems, screw bolts for III-type separate fastening systems, iron pad for III-type separate fastening systems, plain washers for III-type separate fastening systems, adjusting fastening plates etc railroad built materials for Kunming Metro Line 5.



    Contact Person: Ms. Xu Yanli

    E-mail: info@at-railfasteners.com

    Mobile Phone: 0086-15003728689

    WhatsApp: 0086-15003728689

    WeChat: Yanli81

    Website: https://www.at-railfasteners.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atrailfasteners/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/atrailfasteners/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/atrailfasteners

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUDHx7E5WDxY0relkNJEPtQ

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